Вот такое сообщение появилось на форуме thedaftclub.com
“Hey guys and girls =3
My name’s Emma, i’m 19 and i live in London UK!
My dad works at Virgin Records in the UK and has access to the servers on their computers. He came home Friday night with a USB stick, i use it from time to time for my files for Uni. I had to put some photos from my computer to my dads so i used his USB on Sunday. When i did so, i found something interesting…
I found a file on the USB titled ‘Daft Punk – Sky Dive (2012) (Promo Previews)’
I am really excited so i thought i would share the file!! I don’t want to get my dad in trouble so i’m not naming him or myself. I’m not a huge DP fan, but hope this means something to you guys? Not sure if this has been released before? Perhaps this is nothing special.
Emi x”
Скорее всего - самопальные демки и прочий мусор, но все равно частичка внутри хочет, чтобы это было правдой.