Вот что вчера на BBC Radio 6 сказал Peter Serafinowicz (товарищ гугал подсказал, что это - English actor, comedian, writer, composer, voice artist and occasional director)
I’m gonna play some Board of Canada now, ummm, I’m a bit of a Boards of Canada evangelist, they’re my favourite band, I think.Maybe them and The Beatles, but umm… they are a band, again, a bit like The Fall, it’s like once you get into them.. or rather, once something clicks, you just wanna hear everything they’ve released, and ummm, this track I’m gonna play, it’s from their last full album, which is The Campfire Headphase from 2005… and ummm, they’ve got a new album coming out soon and I think it’s gonna be a double album and I’m so excited.. I really am, to hear their new one…um…. I just love them.
See what you think, if you don’t know them see if they click for you, I’d love to know what you think – Peacock Tail from Boards of Canada.
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