Интересно, что на форуме We Are The Music Makers какой-то французский журналист уже давно называл дату, а его за тролля принимали. Вот, что еще он написал:
"So, I heard the album twice. It's fucking grrrrreat dudes ! Especially the first track (which sounds a bit like the band Sigur Rós) and the three last one. There is a lot of voices in the background of the music in some tracks of the album. I was first astonished but after few tracks it was ok because they never overwrite the music. A little bit of dubstep too but good dubstep not commercial dusbtep things like Skrillex & co. One track reminds me "Porn Coconut Co", another one reminds me "White's Dream" and another one sounds a bit like "Host". There is a club track too which I don't like very much, the beat is too easy for me. There are two very calm tracks too. The three last tracks are so huge !!!!! And the last one is wonderful, an incredible intro, a beautiful track and a wonderful conclusion of the track with only a piano playing the melody which is the conclusion of the album too."